CakeItEasy - the first bakery on Mars

published on 13 August 2024

Marius Sevaldsen is a 6th-generation baker that created CakeItEasy after he realized that bakeries all over the world could benefit from selling online. 

He went to an incubator to learn how to take this business to another level. There he met John Rush (Mars, CEO) who eventually took it all the way to Mars. 


Founder & CPO at Cake it easy

Mars was not a big deal back then, but since Marius wanted his own CMS, it was the easiest way to go. After having his own development team working on CakeItEasy for a few years, switch to Mars was a big change. 

And CakeItEasy didn’t only want this change for itself,  but for all the other local bakeries in Sweden and Norway to be able to come and sell their products and establish their presence online. 

2 bakeries have already launched their operation through CakeItEasy using Mars, and with 62 more in the pipeline, we believe it’s going to be a game-changer. 


New members of Cake it easy team

The experience is phenomenal!. There are no restrictions whatsoever, it is easier to integrate, we enjoy the freedom that many other software development platforms do not provide and we have access to our codes to build our own platform using Mars.

Mars is still in its early stages and needs a lot of work to get done but the way things look,  the potential of Mars is endless. The work Mars was able to get done in such a short time is amazing, to say the least ’’ - Marius

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