GPT4 is comng next week

published on 12 August 2024

We’ve been eagerly anticipating the release of GPT-4, and it seems that OpenAI will be delivering on their promise.

Microsoft, one of the major investors in the artificial intelligence startup, has confirmed that the world will finally get a glimpse of the new language model next week.

While we don’t know the exact day of the announcement yet, we’re excited to learn more about what GPT-4 has to offer.

One thing we do know is that GPT-4 will be a multimodal language model, unlike its predecessor ChatGPT, which is only capable of producing text.

So what does it mean for a language model to be multimodal? It means that GPT-4 will be able to interpret both text and images, and even generate videos.

This is a huge leap forward for artificial intelligence and a major game-changer for the industry.

According to Andreas Braun, director of technology at Microsoft Germany, GPT-4 will offer completely different possibilities with its multimodal models.

In an interview with Heise, he said, “For example, videos.”

This is a major step forward in the development of artificial intelligence, as it brings us closer to the capacity of human interpretation.

However, there is still a long way to go before we reach that level of sophistication.

Another benefit of GPT-4’s multimodal capabilities is that it will be able to manage the input and output of data in different languages.

This is a huge advantage for translation tools and will make them even more useful in a multilingual world.

For example, with ChatGPT, you can make a request in Spanish, but the generated text is in English. With GPT-4, you’ll be able to generate text, images, and videos in any language you choose.

Microsoft has made it clear that GPT-4 is not here to steal people’s jobs.

Rather, its main goal is to simplify or enhance our work, not take it away.

As Andreas Braun said, “This is not about replacing jobs, but about doing repetitive tasks in a different way than before.”

In fact, Microsoft recommends that companies train their employees on the adoption of artificial intelligence in working life. This will help to create new and exciting professions as a result of the enrichment of new possibilities driven by AI.

So while we’re excited to see what GPT-4 has in store next week, we know that it’s not just about the technology itself. It’s also about how we use it to improve our lives and work.

*edited by gpt

#ai #technology #artificialintelligence #gpt4 #openai

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